Content Hint



A content hint describes a value that contains or references content that is to be considered a part of the containing representation (embedded).




Format Rules

If the value is present, it must comply with the following rules:

  • MUST be an object.
  • MAY have an src property for remote content or a data property for inline content.
  • SHOULD have an alt property for alternate text to be displayed if the content cannot be displayed or if the user cannot view it.
  • MAY have a scope property whose value specifies the content realm or URL intended for display. If present, the value MUST be a valid URI.
  • MAY have a rel property whose value specifies the relationship between the document containing the content and the destination resource, as described in RFC 5988.
  • MAY contain a media property whose value specifies the intended media target of the content. If present, the value MAY be one of the following: screen, print, or a qualified name (absolute URI); otherwise, its value MUST be presumed to be screen.
  • MAY contain a sources property whose value specifies an array of preferred alternative content values ordered from more preferred to less preferred.
  • MUST NOT contain any other properties that are described by a specification.
  • MAY contain other properties that are not described by a specification.

src present

If the value has an src property:

  • src MUST be a valid URI or null.
  • MAY have a type property whose value must be a valid media type name to indicate the expected media type of the content.
  • MUST NOT have data or encoding properties.

data present

If the value has a data property:

  • MUST have a type property whose value must be a valid media type name to indicate the media type of the content encoded in the data property.
  • if type is application/json or a variant of application/json, data MAY be an object or an array; otherwise, data MUST be a string representing the content to be embedded.
  • if type is application/lynx+json, and the embedded content does not have its own base value, the value of base MUST be copied from the containing document.
  • if data is a string, MAY have an encoding property whose value MUST be utf-8 or base64. If not present, the encoding is utf-8.
  • MUST NOT have an src property.


src present

  "src": "",
  "alt": "Movie Review of Fletch",
  "spec": {
    "hints": [ "content" ]

data present

UTF-8 String

  "data": "# Review of Fletch\n##Pros\n\nToo many to list.\n##Cons\n\nNone!",
  "type": "text/markdown",
  "alt": "Movie Review of Fletch",
  "spec": {
    "hints": [ "content" ]

Base64 String

  "data": "WW91IHRhbGtpbmcgdG8gbWU/IC0tIFRheGkgRHJpdmVy",
  "encoding": "base64",
  "type": "text/plain",
  "alt": "Movie Quote",
  "spec": {
    "hints": [ "content" ]

JSON Content

  "data": {
    "base": "",
    "realm": "",
    "value": [
      "There's no crying in baseball! -- Tom Hanks, A League of Their Own",
      "Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me. Aren't you? -- Dustin Hoffman, The Graduate",
      "Donny you're out of your element! -- John Goodman, The Big Lebowski"
    "spec": {
      "hints": [ "list", "container" ],
      "children": {
        "hints": [ "text" ]
  "type": "application/lynx+json",
  "spec": {
    "hints": [ "content" ]

Alternate Sources

  "data": "There's no crying in baseball! -- Tom Hanks, A League of Their Own",
  "type": "text/plain",
  "sources": [
      "src": "./no-crying.mp4",
      "type": "video/mp4",
      "alt": "Video Clip: There's no crying in baseball!",
      "spec": {
        "hints": [ "content" ]
      "src": "./",
      "type": "video/quicktime",
      "alt": "Video Clip: There's no crying in baseball!",
      "spec": {
        "hints": [ "content" ]
  "spec": {
    "hints": [ "content" ]

With Media

  "src": "./receipt.lnx",
  "type": "application/lynx+json",
  "media": "screen",
  "sources": [
      "src": "./receipt.pdf",
      "type": "application/pdf",
      "media": "print",
      "spec": {
        "hints": [ "content" ]
  "spec": {
    "hints": [ "content" ]

Authoring Rules


Authoring Considerations


User Agent Rules

  • If the user agent is unable to display the content, it MUST display a link to the content, with the text of the alt property, if present.
  • If the type of the content is not in the range text/*, then the user agent SHOULD consider the value of the alt property to be the text content for the value.


If the specification describing the value has an input property, the user agent MUST provide the user with a control to supply the content.

User Agent Considerations

  • The user agent must anticipate that a value described by a content hint may contain no visible content.
  • If a value described by a content hint contains a sources property, the user agent should display the content from the sources property value most closely matching its goals. To do so, the user agent should evaluate the available alternatives in order based on type, hints, media, and any other characteristics (image width, height, and scale, for example). If the user agent cannot display any of the preferred alternatives from the sources property value, the user agent should display the value described by a content hint.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""